Deutscher Rechenzentrumspreis 2011, Publikums Award [German Computer Center Prize 2011, Public Award]


During the awarding ceremony of the Deutschen Rechenzentrumspreis [German Computer Center Prize] 2014, the enclosure manufacturer RITTAL received the public prize in category 2 "Innovative Rechenzentrumsanwendungen" [Innovative Computer Center Applications] for utilizing GeoCool from the Celle-based computer retailer DELTA plus Datensysteme GmbH.

The majority of the business visitors of the one-day event "future thinking", a communication and innovation platform for the data center sector in Celle, selected the GeoCool project in the category “Innovative computer center applications”.

In this project, tempering a computer center with the help of geothermal energy. Specifically, the cooling fluid heated up in the computer center is circulated into the ground with probes to be cooled back down, after which it can immediately be used for cooling again.

In the mentioned category, companies were called to enter computer center applications and solutions, which in conjunction can reduce investment costs and allow simpler and more cost efficient computer center operation.

The Deutsche Rechenzentrumspreis has been awarded yearly since 2010 in four categories. In 2011, the expert jury consisting of ten persons had to evaluate and assess 40 entries from more than 30 companies.

Commenting the award, a RITTAL-spokesman said: "In this pilot project, we have demonstrated that geothermal energy is an excellent basis for

eco-friendly and cost-efficient cooling of computer centers. With GeoCool, next to the servers the remaining consumers of electric energy needed for cooling are the pump and the LCPs. We are pleased the business visitors considered this solution to be innovative as well as realizable.”

The special thing about the GeoCool solution: With its built-in temperature sensors and control systems, it has an ‚intelligence‘ of its own, and, what’s more, it can communicate with

network-capable appliances. In the pilot application, the cooling module registers the temperature at the server rack and transmits the data to a controlling software. The GeoCool system calculates the necessary energy with the help of this data and controls the pump accordingly.

Link to the award: